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Travel Soccer Information

Travel soccer is a more competitive level of youth soccer where kids have to try out each new season to be selected to play on a travel soccer team. Travel to games and tournaments. Attend all training sessions. Travel soccer has a bigger time commitment and costs more than recreational soccer.

Children accepted to a team joins for the fall and spring seasons. There is also training inside during the winter months. 

Program Director:  Michael Mrvica
Assistant Director:  Gary McGeorge
Secretary: Holly Moraitis

2023-24 Teams & Head Coaches

U9 Boys Panthers Kevin Farrell

U10  Boys Warriors                  John Laudenberger

U10 Boys Lions Louis Ledesma

U10 Girls Dragons Kia Flemming

U11  Girls Waves                        JP Molfese

U11 Boys Dynamo                         Juan Uribe

U12 Girls Rams                              David Sierotowicz

U12 Boys Jaguars                           Juan Uribe

U13 Boys Saints                        Mark Smolinsky

U14 Girls Thunder                          Erick Arias

U15 Boys Wolverines                    Michael Mrvica


Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Try Out Information

Welcome to the East Windsor Travel Soccer League Tryout Webpage. Before registering, please read the Mission, Philosophy and Commitment Level information to make sure Travel Soccer is right for you. Following these three sections is more information about the tryouts including preregistration, what to expect during tryouts and what happens after tryouts.

  Mission:  The mission of East Windsor PAL Travel Soccer is to provide an environment allowing each participating child to develop and excel within the sport of soccer. As a sport, soccer provides the youth of our community with the opportunity to learn and develop a healthy life style that will bode them well in their future endeavors. We will provide leadership and learning to the children of our community on a competitive level.
Philosophy: Our goal is to continue to grow, expand and improve the soccer program to provide an ongoing support structure to all interested athletes. 
Commitment level for Travel Soccer:
Travel Soccer Athletes are expected to attend all practices and games. Players are expected to prioritize their commitment to soccer above other sports.  Team league play will be in the MOSA Travel League, EDP, MAPS or JAGS leagues.  There are about 10 games per season with half the games at the opponent's location.  Most opponents are within a one-hour drive, but some may be more.  Players will likely attend several tournaments during a season where some may be out of state depending on the level of play and the coaches desire to attend nationally ranked tournaments.  Travel teams have Spring and Fall seasons and most participate in a Winter league.  Annual fees for travel soccer are team dependent but usually range from $300 to $1000 per year depending on the number of tournaments entered, uniform needs, trainer costs etc. which can be partially offset by the amount of team fundraising.
Tryout Pre-Registration: 
All participants are highly encouraged to preregister on the website. There will be on-site registration however this may delay the participant's arrival time at the designated field and reduce the amount of time he/she can be evaluated.  Pre-registered players will receive an e-mail with instructions for the days of the tryouts.  Registration numbers will be pre-printed for you to make registration easier.  No athletes are allowed to wear travel jerseys to try-outs.  We understand that scheduling conflicts may occur, but we can't change dates to accommodate a select few as this usually impacts someone else.  The tryout schedule will be posted on this website 1 month prior to the tryout date indicating start and end times for each age group.

Day of the Try-Outs
Please arrive before the designated start time for your tryout session to allow for check-in, walking to the field and stretching / warm-up before the tryout starts.  If you are registering the day of the tryout, please arrive about 15 min early so that all pertinent information can be collected, and a tryout number assigned.  Depending on the number of unregistered participants, you still may be late to your tryout session.
Try-Out Evaluation:
Try outs will consist of drills or match play of 3v3 and up to 5v5 teams depending on the age group being evaluated.  Each player will be evaluated on ball control, dribbling, passing, receiving, speed and agility.  To ensure objectivity, all evaluations will be completed by trainers and experienced coaches who have no vested interest in that age group. All evaluators will agree on the criteria and evaluation scales. Parents and Coaches may or may not be present during the sessions but are not allowed to interact with the evaluators, players, including their own children, or parents.  An area away from the field of play will be identified for visitors to watch.
Roster Decisions:
Once the try-outs are complete, the Travel Director and/or Selection Committee will gather all the rankings from all the evaluators. Tryout ratings/results will determine the team placement of players on each of the teams.  The coach may seek independent evaluations in the selection of players from the tryout committee; however, the final decision is that of the coach.

 Earning a position on a team, DOES NOT guarantee placement in years to come. All teams are formed new each year based on the results from tryouts.
The coaches must contact and invite each player on the roster within 10 days, and athletes will have 24 hours to make a commitment to the team.  If a participant declines, the next person on the list will be invited until a full roster is achieved.  All other participants who did not make the team will be contacted by a team coach with feedback for improvement opportunities and contact information for the Recreation program.  Under no circumstances will the coaches share exact rankings with players and/or parents. They may pass on information as to why they were or were not selected based on feedback provided.

Uniform Ordering Information

This is the link  for uniform ordering. For Registered Team Players 

Shipping cost is $11.95

If you ask for the items to be delivered to the EWPAL Office it is your responsibility to come during office hours to pick up the order. 

If you are not sure of the size please ask to see a sample before ordering. Once a shirt is numbered it can not be returned.

Eleanor Goeke Buchler
Athletes' Alley
650 Whitehead Road
Lawrence, NJ  08648
(609) 218-5670 phone
(609) 218-5145 fax
609-890-0477 (cell)
located inside Mercer Digital Printing


We are committed to helping your child feel inspired about soccer.  With that in mind, we have secured a membership to the Soccer Parent Resource Center for all the parents and coaches in the club.

At the Soccer Parent Resource Center you will find courses, videos, monthly live webinars, articles and interviews with tips, advice, guidance and support – all to help you make sure your child feels inspired by their soccer experience.

To gain access to your free membership and all the great content at simply follow the link below to register.

We are proud to be a Club Member of the Soccer Parenting Association. We believe youth soccer parents will be difference makers when it comes to improving the game and we believe a more collaborative environment between coach, parent, club and player is in the best interest of player development.

The mission of the Soccer Parenting Association is to Inspire Players by Empowering Parents and we hope you dive in to the content and community at the!

Again – to gain free access, simply click on this URL and register.

There are also additional resources for your website page located in the Member Club Hub – which you can find when you log in to the and look in the footer of the site

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