Website Manager

Little League Programs

EWPAL Little League:

T-Ball for boys and girls 4yrs-6yrs.

Baseball for boys and girls 7yrs-12yrs.

Softball for girls 5yrs-12yrs.

Little League registration opens in Mid-November. Once registered your child is eligible for the winter clinics. 

Winter Clinics are held at the Hightstown High School. They are held January to mid-Marrch.

The Spring season starts in April to mid-June outside at the EWPAL Complex. 

Little League Board Committee

2023 Little League Sponsors

  • Tastee Subs and More
  • Conway Comfort
  • Kucher Haney Paint Store
  • Allen and Stults
  • Diversified Rack & Shelving
  • Goddess Energy and Esthetics
  • Coldwell banker realty
  • Brace place
  • Lightbridge Academy 
  • H&H Appliance Center
  • Tri state chauffeurs
  • Whitney Power washing
  • Root and Reed Apothecary
  • City Streets Grill


Parent Information

Hello Parents,
Thank you for researching Little League.   We created this page to provide you information on what you need to know and what to expect.  Little League is an international organization of youth sports.   Little League sevices multiple age groups and both boys and girls.  Children that turn 4 before 9/1 are eligible for teeball.  This starts a child off on a tee and we transition to coach toss midway throughout the season.   We then progress through older divisions and introduce kid pitch.  Our program costs are slightly higher than other sports because of our overhead involved in renting the gym for winter clinic, umpire fees and equipment purchases.   A common question we get is about the cost structure.  We pay a fee to use the fields and lights, supply uniforms, umpires, catchers equipment, helmets, bats, balls and a Little League dues.  Your registration only covers a part of those costs.  The rest is made up through the concession stand, fundraisers and sponsorship.


Parent Participation

Many responsibilities exist beyond the normal team level: Commitments that make the EWPAL Little League function smoothly. Parents make the program a quality experience for all our children.
The EWPAL Little League can only be as good as we, the parents, make it. Following are some important volunteer areas that are required during the season.

Field Preparation and Maintenance
Special Events Coordination
Team Mom/Dad
Game Scorekeeping
Volunteer Umpiring Help

Parent Support

Parent support during both games and practices is critically important to the success of the league.
Be supportive of the team by ensuring your child arrives at each practice and game on time.
Be a positive role model during games, whether you are a manager, an assistant coach, or simply a spectator.

Finally, please keep the following in mind:

Always be positive and enthusiastic.
Show your child positive reinforcement.
Observe practices and games to learn proper techniques to practice with your child.
Encourage your child toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game.
Teach your child to always play by the rules.
Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than a victory.
Applaud good plays by your team and by members of the opposing team.
Let the managers and coaches do the coaching.
Let the umpire call the game.

Parent Concerns

If you have concerns about anything regarding your team or the league, first talk to your manager.
If your concern is not resolved, then contact the office.

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